I Quit

Khushboo Shah posted under PenMuse-32 Poetry on 2021-07-08

Lilac rash of the nicotine patch, I rub, With parrot beak nails, singed mauve at the tips, Pacing, to dodge smoken alleys, I entreat, As azure flames leap to lick my tinted lips, To tremors I concede, accepting defeat, In frenzy I drag, fumes permeate my core, Till lavender scented memories retreat, I think of the frail periwinkle, once more; With a fiery resolve I douse the lit stub, Within these ashes I replay and rewind; Until I rise from the purple of my mind. Author’s note: While purple is the colour of opulence and royalty, I have used it here to depict the cyanosis or purple discoloration in a smoker. Smokers typically have discoloration of skin, lips, teeth , and clubbing of nails, signs of poor oxygenation. It is also the gloomy, distorted colour of his failed attempts at quitting the habit.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!