When the Cat's Away, the mice will play!

Vijeta Harishankar posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-19 on 2020-05-26

“Darlings, take care of Grandma. Eat on time. I have stacked up the refrigerator with enough food. Everything is labelled and should last for this weekend. Try and avoid outside food, especially for grandma. She suffers with flatulence. So please!”.  ‘Pomp...Pomp’ “Arrgh! Stop mothering your grown-up brats. The cab is here, we need to rush to the airport.” Hiten bellowed at Priya.  “Yeah! I’m coming, Suraj, Ravi, take care". Her voice quavered. “Mom, don’t get emotional. Enjoy the marriage. Convey our regards to all of them. It's still dark and I’m sleepy. Happy Journey.” Suraj gave her a hug. The cab left.  ‘Thud’, Ravi closed the door. “ Shh! Slowly, grandma is still asleep.” Suraj reprimanded him. They both peeped inside Granny’s room  'Zzzzzz....'. " Her snores are blaring, Hehehehehe." Ravi quipped. “ Hahahaha. Let's hit the bed. Need some sleep, before I start on with my college project.” Suraj chuckled. ************** “Ting...Ting” “ Shit! What is it?” Ravi woke up startled.  " Grandma’s tete- a- tete with God”. Suraj teased. ************** “ I'm famished. What’s for breakfast?” Asked Ravi.  “* Poha” the octogenarian responded. “ Nah! I want something different. How about * Vada-Sambar from our neighbourhood restaurant?” He lured them. The three salivated at the thought of it.  " I'll get it in five minutes,” Suraj assured.  'Vroom….' He left on his bike. *************** 'Chomp..chomp' Ravi gobbled up the*vadas in no time. “I want one more,” Granny demanded. “ Noooo! You have digestion issues. Mom will kill me if she gets to know.” Suraj begged. “ Pass me one! Nothing will happen.”Granny growled. “ Yeah! That's the spirit. So it's pizzas and cola for lunch today, muahahaha.” Ravi announced. **************** ‘ Click...Tac…’ Suraj’s finger moved deftly on the keyboard. His eyes were fixed on the laptop screen when he saw his younger brother lazing around. " Don't you have any assignments?”He asked curiously. “ Well! I do, but I believe in delegation.” Ravi replied in jest. Suraj nodded his head in dismay. “ Oooh… hmmm… Oh yeah baby!” “ Ahem! Porn! Impressive collection.” Ravi murmured. “ How dare you touch my mobile!" Suraj pounced on him and held him by his collar. “ Without my permission!” He yelled.  In no time the room turned into a warzone. ‘Dishoom...Pow. Whap…Ouch’ ‘Ding Dong!’ “ Stop fighting you devils, Pizza has arrived.” Granny bawled. *************** The three sat down and devoured on pizza. “ Shee! Granny, did you just fart?” Suraj wrinkled his nose. Granny looked at them sheepishly. “ I had forewarned you. And Ravi, you encouraged her” He lost his cool. Buzz...buzz’ The mobile buzzed. ‘“Yes mom! What?... Why? Okay!” Suraj sounded wistful. “What happened?” The two enquired. “ Mom, Dad coming back.” “Why?” They asked in concurrence. “ Sheetal’s marriage got cancelled. The groom confessed being gay." “Such a late revelation!” Sighed Ravi. "Alright! Who'll explain to mom about our today's gastro indulgence?" Suraj asked cynically. The three looked at each other poker-faced and later guffawed. ************* Glossary 1. Poha: A preparation made out of flattened rice. 2. Vadas: Fried Black lentil balls 3.Sambhar: A tangy vegetable stew. It's a speciality of Southern India. _


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