Writing hacks to keep you motivated

Penmancy posted under Writing Tips on 2019-01-17

Writing is a solitary activity. The only companions that you will find are the characters that you yourselves will create. Isn’t it a bliss finding yourself in a world that you have created on your own? However, even the busiest of writers sometimes face writers’ block yet they manage to find that essential time to cultivate and nurture their creativity. Here we share some of the hacks that these prolific writers also sometimes use.

Sit down and start:

The first and foremost thing is to set a deadline for yourself. To begin your story there can never be the best time, except now! If preparing yourself is on your agenda, then you definitely run the risk of draining out your creativity. So set a deadline and plan your time in such a way that a few hours every day you are tucked away from the world, in your own workspace.

Maintain a schedule:

Writing for yourself is a non-negotiable activity. Just like any other activity, it requires a disciplined approach for completion. Create a writing schedule and set out a few hours every day to keep building your word. Finding time is making time. You may have to steal away a few hours every day from your regular routine but its worth the creative pleasure that you would get. Show up for your story and the story would come to you.

Have a workspace:

If you have a writing room of your own, wonderful! If not, create a workspace where you can tune yourself out from the world for a few hours. That would not only get you into the ritual of visiting your designated workspace regularly but would also alienate you from distractions so that you can focus on telling your story.

Have a goal and track it:

Use a spreadsheet, use a notepad, use a corkboard, use a sticky-note, whatever works, to set your goals and keep an eye on them. Even if it is just 300 words per day that you write, it will still keep motivating you to write more. Believe me, this also motivates you to ideate more for your narration and asks you for enhanced productivity and creativity. Without a goal, one is really but aiming in the dark.

Fire your passion:

As much as having a schedule in place helps in driving the writing process, it sometimes makes you run the risk of a burnout. To avoid that, take a day or two of a break and come back refreshed (with more ideas). Writing hacks are not always going to sail you through (though they are great to keep you organized), but keeping your mental and emotional health in check is important for your creative juices to flow. Keep yourself fit, hydrated and fresh with an optimum amount of restful sleep. “Is this my passion?” is a question that would help you fire yourself each day.

Stressing yourself will only pull down your creativity. Stay cheerful and enjoy the creative process of writing. If this process is personal to you, keep it close to your heart and nurture it with all of your might.

Happy writing!