
Shilpa Keshav posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-27 on 2021-02-07

Inspector Nakul was in G.G Hospital for an investigation. A family had filed complaint against the hospital and held the duty doctor responsible for the death of their young son. However, the hospital refuted these charges. Nakul met the doctor-in-charge. “The patient was in a critical condition when he was brought here. We tried our best, still the family is accusing us. It’s ridiculous!” Dr. Praveen said. “The deceased's father claims that you had performed brain surgery and told them it was a success. And you had also admitted him in ICU for a whole day,” Nakul said. “The operation was successful, but the patient slipped into coma. It happens. I’ve had patients who have recovered pretty well! It’s their destiny, how is the doctor to be blamed?” Nakul noted the statement, and as he proceeded towards the elevator, he heard a loud beep emerging incessantly from a nearby room. Curiously, he walked towards the noise. He opened the ajar door and peeked in. There was no one. As he began closing the door, he heard the beep again. He stepped in. “Hello there!” Nakul looked around surprised. But he didn’t spot anyone.  “Here, on your left.” Nakul gaped at the ventilator.  “Yes, it’s me. I have been beeping the whole day, but nobody seemed to hear me, except you. I’m glad for that.” “I don’t know how to react! Should I visit a psychiatrist or just run away?” Nakul scratched his head. “You are blessed with this superpower. Listen, I have an important news for you about the boy who was admitted here. I feel pity for his parents. These doctors have cheated them.” “How do you know?” “The boy was admitted in this room and was attached to my system. But the poor fellow was dead by that time.” “What?” “Yes, he was brought dead to the hospital. I heard Dr. Praveen informing another doctor. They simply kept him here and enacted a fake surgery to claim lakhs of rupees from the patient’s family.” “Disgusting! But how can I prove this?” “I’m connected to the main server and all my data is available in the master computer. You can see that his heartbeat was absent before I was connected.”  “For that, I need permission from the department. By then, they may tamper with the evidence.” “There is a master data log with my manufacturers too. Each data is duplicated in the head office,” the ventilator beeped. Nakul rushed to the manufacturer’s head office along with a doctor, who was his friend too. It didn’t take long for the efficient officer to gather the details. Nakul's friend studied the report and confirmed that the patient was indeed dead before being connected to the ventilator.  “Deceivers like you are a blot to this noble profession and should rot in prison,” Nakul arrested Dr. Praveen and his accomplice. The bereaved family sighed in relief, while the ventilator beeped gaily waiting for more dark truths to be told.


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