21 Gun Salute

Shilpa Pandya posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-26 on 2021-01-22

The sky was echoed by the thunderous sound of 21 gun salute. And the Earth was echoed by the sobbing of little ones and brave women of martyrs.  Heavy coffins of the martyrs were taken out from the special air force plane. Soldiers laid their lives while protecting the country from invasion of terrorists at border. Little Myra could not understand what was going on. Her hands clinged to her mother's dupatta. She was looking at her face. Nisha, wife of Martyr Major Arjun Bakshi, was standing with calm face. Her tears dried up and empty eyes were waiting to see his husband's face.  Soon, 7 coffins were kept on the ground. The officials were paying tribute to brave souls. There was heavy silence prevailed in the surroundings.  Myra, a cute 6 years old daughter of Major was sitting with her mother and grandfather. She had an apprehension about the procedures going on. She was trying to read the different emotions on the  faces of family members of martyrs sitting along with her.  Nisha clutched Myra's hand, supported her father in law in getting up. They have to cover the longest distance to have a last glance of Major's face. Officials took off the coffin cover, there lied a brave son of soil, wrapped in tricolour. Nisha could not control her emotions and broke off. Her father in law, a retired army man, stood firmly beside Nisha and salute to his son. Myra was not crying. She was staring at his father's face. She walked towards him, offered the flowers and stepped back. She stood beside his grandfather and raised her small firm hands to salute her father and yelled, "Jai Hind".  That sight brought tears in everyone's eyes. Soon, Myra was going back to her home along with her father's coffin to perform the last rites. But, she was quite composed. Suddenly, she started behaving like a mature daughter.  Nisha later joined army school as teacher and Myra studied well and brought laurel to the family with her brilliant performance in academics and extra curricular activities.  21 years later… The sky is again echoing with thunderous 21 gun salute. But, this time the earth is echoing with clappings and patriotic slogans. India is celebrating its Republic Day. The President of India unfurled Tricolour at Rajpath. The colourful parade and beautiful tableaux from different states is drawing attention of proud citizen sitting there.  But, a pair of eyes is still quite anxious in the crowd. She is waiting for someone special there. Soon, military personnel started showing off their strength to the world.   The parade of all women army officers are the special attraction and it's leading by Captain Myra Bakshi. Nisha, who was sitting quietly till then, stood up in delight. Her cute little Myra is leading the army parade on Republic Day. Her hands raised and saluted Myra. She looked up in the sky, "I know Arjun, you are happy and proud of our daughter".
