A Break Through 

Ketki Jalan posted under PenMuse-31 Poetry on 2021-06-15

The essence in the survival of soul Lies in to nurture, sustain and upkeep  As the finite worldly coil comes in scroll  With hope and determined spirits, we leap. The brain and the heart if kept in attune   The essence in the survival of soul  Are the grains that will make our life festooned  With health, sanguinity and ardent goals. So foster self to store chaste energies And acquire peace that reside within soul  A home to dreamlike marvels of glories   The essence in the survival of soul. When hard luck strikes paddle your own canoe And trust in prowess of self to extol The truest chords we need to dwell into The essence in the survival of soul.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!