A Candlelight Dream

Pallavi Acharya posted under Guest Posts Poetry on 2019-01-05

The flame is flickering low
I close my eyes
Deep into my mind, I go
I let the long-hidden thoughts rise
I am guided through the unfathomable darkness,
by the love, solitary candle flame.
The soft light music overrides the blackness
in every nook, it echoes your name
How can I tell you how I feel?
Though I am sure of my emotions
I know now that this is for real
these are not just some trivial sensations
My heart cries out for you aloud
I long for your arms to encircle me
but to my utter silence, myself I have vowed,
you will have to understand by what you see
Across the candle shivers, I wait to see your eyes
gazing deep into my own
on your visage, a book is knowing and wise
your gentle smile melting the hardest stone
I feel loved, confident and secure
as you reach out your hand, mine to hold
of one thing I am no longer unsure
Your gestures have to me, volumes of your love told
The light flickers strong once and dies away
the candle has been awake a long time
The darkness engulfing bade me astray
turns my dreams almost into a crime
Is it wrong to aspire for something?
and hope for it although there is no certainty
that however long to this desire you cling
your dreams will be fulfilled in reality.
Just as the embers slowly fade and die
leaving the room pitch black behind
our longings best inside us lie
in the innermost recesses of our mind.
Faith and hope make the world go round
I will continue to hope and be happy
nothing greater would astound me
than if I would see my candlelight dream fulfilled!
[A shorter version of this poem was submitted as an entry to a poetry writing contest, #PenMuse-02, held in December 2018 on our Facebook group Write.Read.Support. and won second runner-up.] 
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