A Christmas Morning

Sunita Sahu posted under PenMuse-30 Poetry on 2021-05-06

My mom wakes me up with a stern warning, I can hear a musical number, After all, it’s Christmas morning! Waking up from my slumber, With sleepy eyes and droopy head, Still, I can hear a musical number! Hesitatingly, I sneak out of my bed, Yawning, I take a stroll, With sleepy eyes and droopy head! Crowd in gift shops out of control, Christmas carols playing on a loop, Still yawning, I take a stroll! After relishing a bowl of hot soup, Singing ecstatically, I head back home. Those Christmas carols playing on a loop! The candy shop owner’s warm welcome, Munching those candies satiates my yearning, Singing ecstatically, I head back home, After all, it’s Christmas morning!   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!