A Day Gone By

Lavanya P Kesan posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S1: Poetry on 2021-08-07

The Sun rose on the horizon stately,
Shone bright on us berated and moted,
Jolted to wakefulness upright were we,
To draw out plans for vacation day one.

Waterfalls t'was, chalked out unanimous,
Excitement bloomed; expectations mushroomed,
A simple day dolled itself up sassy,
Welcoming us sprightly and spirited.

Off we went jaunting, packed for a picnic,
Music and chatter punctuating glee,
As destination neared, destiny ployed,
Wrought iron gates we faced, shut and secure.

Poof! Resplendent day shrank to regular,
Dear Pandemic, can you please set us free?


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