A Discovery Through Matrimony

Lakshmi Ajoy posted under PenMuse-53 Poetry on 2023-06-18

A nuptial union vastly grand, Tagged with a sense of class and elite brands, A state of bliss in matrimony, Blessings of elders towards harmony. My gut churned in queer anticipation, For I reserved my participation, I detested the touch of fellow human, Be it any form, man or woman. Will civilisation accept me? Can this society ever set me free? Do I have to plead guilty for sins unknown? That I'm asexual for this world to be known... I rise up with my head held high, Towards the dais under the starry sky, I gather my thoughts and build my strengths, And address the assemblage at length, I'm queer, an epicene and asexual, Set me free to explore and be unsexual.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!