A Father's Love

Sarah Thompson posted under Daddy Day Lessons Guest Posts on 2020-06-22

Calvin didn’t get to teach his daughters the lessons he thought he would. When he found out he was going to be a dad, he pictured teaching his daughter how to fish, how to hunt, and how to change a tire. He imagined the hard lessons he would have to teach them, like how to be responsible and respectful. He saw himself being there for every moment of their lives. He worried about how he would help them through their complex math problems in high school. But he knew he’d be there to watch them walk across the stage to receive their diplomas. He saw himself cleaning his guns when they would bring home their boyfriends to meet him. There was no way he’d let anyone break their hearts. He even envisioned the day when he’d walk them down the aisle and give them away. What name would he pick out to be called by his grandkids? So much life to share with his sweet little girls. Those lessons he wouldn’t get to teach them. Instead, he would teach them how to live in this world without him. He would teach them about living through loss and dealing with grief. But he would also show them how strong they were. He would teach them that no matter how hard this world could be and the obstacles that would get in their way, they could achieve their dreams. He taught them about heaven. And he was able to keep them safe. He became their guardian angel. The greatest lesson he taught them was that love transcends death. Love was the only thing that lasts forever, especially a father's love.


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