A Ferryman in the Boat

Vandana Saxena posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-15 on 2020-01-27

Kiara raised the curtains to a beautiful view from her room. As a travel journalist, this was the most beautiful place she was assigned to cover. Iceland, the land of fire and ice. She looked through the window for a while. The snow-peaked mountains jutted into the sky, piercing the soft pane of clouds as if inviting the rains. In the middle stood a clear blue lake, quietly begging the sky to drop the pearls. The breeze was as calm as the moksha, trying to spread its essence. Suddenly, Kiara spotted a boat on the lake, floating all alone, taking the harsh cold, sultry breeze, and moving on, aimlessly. It just went with the flow of the wind. Everything around was beautiful, but it was just moving on without holding breath without soaking in the beauty around.   Kiara saw the reflection of her life. Her peculiar career choice had left her alone even though she was surrounded by those silvery proud trophies, which shone brightly just as the snow-peaked mountains. She took all it all from the world but went on with the flow of her career graph.  Love that she found was left somewhere behind in an urge to move forward. She had achieved a lot, felt tired, but move on. She had no reason to hold on, but she wanted to take a halt. Lost in her thoughts, she saw the mist covering the lake and boat slipping away from her sight.  She dumped herself on the couch to read, but she couldn’t concentrate. Every few minutes, she thought about the boat. She wanted to text Vikram. Vikram, who really loved her, she knew, but she was too busy for love then. Their relationship was alive for four years but died a natural death. Kiara’s achievements superseded Vikram in her list of priorities.     Kiara often missed Vikram, but today, she was missing him even more. She thought of texting Vikram many times, but the dilemma pushed her to deep sleep until she woke up to a thunder sound after a few hours. It was raining heavily. She stood by the window and again spotted the boat. This time the lake seemed anxious as the breeze turned into a tempest. The snow-peaked mountains were nowhere visible as the dark clouds covered them. The boat was struggling to find sustenance to reach the shore.   It was almost 3:00 pm. Kiara took out her phone and wrote a text to Vikram, “Hey Vikram, This is Kiara…..hope, you are doing well.” Kiara never expected a response, but she waited for it until she slept. The next morning, she woke up only to read a message from Vikram, “Hi Kiara, I can’t do well without you…. I still have the ring with me…..are you ready yet?” Kiara smiled and reached the window to raise the curtains again. She saw a clear blue sky, agile lake, and yet a boat, but this time she spotted a ferryman in the boat! ____ ____ Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!