A Fish Tale

Shristee Singh posted under PenMuse-09 Poetry on 2019-07-09

Let me tell you an uncanny tale, Of a fish, with an enchanting magic tail. Lodging amongst algae, deep into the sea, Where none ventured, no one could see. Adorning mystical dazzling scale, Stupendous ocean it tried to scale. Diving deep, it reached an arc, Where buried was Noah’s ark. Startled she stood, as her heart did beat, When she saw a crab floating on beet. The little crab had lost its route, As it floated holding the beet root. Way to the shore it wanted to know, And the fish with magic tail, couldn’t say no. Swishing her sparkling tail, a spell was heard, Instantly crab found itself on shore, amidst herd! __________________ __________________