A Love So Divine

Charu Sood nee Walia posted under Poetry on 2018-09-30

Let the cold winter that ceases, Hear me aloud from the time that freezes Laughter and shivers that grows within, Let no time be the barrier to this silver lining

My heart aches to be with you, To hold you, spoil you, and surrender too There is no boundary that keeps us apart, This separation cannot build a cart

From now on the winds will blow in our direction, The river and pond will no longer divert attention The sanctity of the nature cures, As we meet to nurture the love that grows

Let no heart bleed for love this time, As the universe attempts to rekindle the dimming light Draw closer speaks the sounds of the sourcing strength, Never let this relation come to an end

We cry, we bond, we stick in vain, This is my voice to those in pain Come together for once as this is fragile, We must not keep this union in exile

This is the time that the souls unite, To titivate a love so divine!
