A Messiah Or A Murderer

Suveera Bellary posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-30 on 2021-05-04

She came out of the house. It was pitch dark outside. There was a nip in the air. She walked into the narrow lanes with a huge coat to protect herself from the cold. She had ventured out with an agenda. In the daytime, she worked as a research scientist in a forensic lab. At night, she donned the detective hat. She was the official Sherlock Holmes even at her own house. Today, she was out to solve the case that police was finding difficult to crack. She was out to catch a man who had mysteriously killed four men. The man left no evidence, but he killed these four young men brutally. The killings had happened on the same road. As she walked, she landed on a rocky platform. While she was about to trip, she saw a shadow. Fear gripped her. The shadow looked huge.  She wanted to scream, but surprisingly the shadow offered her a hand. She saw a mark, and the same was seen while she and her team had performed an autopsy on those bodies. “Who are you?” she asked as she held his hands. “I want you to go home immediately. This place is not safe for girls,” he replied. This man had a bushy beard and had a big mole on his face. He grabbed her by the arm and said, “Go back soon.” “I know you are the one who killed those youth. The police are behind you. Why did you murder them?” questioned she. Something changed in his eyes. They had turned moist.  He said, “I had a daughter your age. One night she and her boyfriend were coming back from a party. Five men stopped them. They were rich brats who were high on drugs. They killed my daughter’s boyfriend by shooting him with a pistol. She screamed for help, but there was no one around. They pushed her to the ground. My daughter tried to resist, but they tore her clothes. One by one, they raped her. When she tried to push them, they hit her and bit her. They were animals who killed my daughter. She was bleeding and lying naked on this road the entire night. The next morning, someone saw her and informed the cops. She was taken to the hospital, where she was declared dead on arrival. From the CCTV, the police caught hold of five of them. They belonged to an affluent family. Nothing was proved, and they were free. I lost faith in the judicial system and took the law into my hands. I have killed four of them. Only one is left. After I take care of him, I will hand over myself to the police. I told you all this because in you I see my daughter. I would never want any girl to be a victim. Now go.” After I reached home, his story replayed in my mind. Was he a messiah or a murderer?   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!