A Price to Love

Moumita Dutta posted under Book Review on 2023-04-28

I recently finished reading this gripping novel, "A Price to Love" by Smita Das Jain, and I must say, it was worth the read. The plot was captivating enough to make me finish it in one go. Be it romance, realization, compromise, or transformation - the author blended all the aspects finely, to create a compelling story.  The protagonist of this story is a young, ambitious girl named Sonia. She’s a strong and complex character, and her journey to overcome challenges and make peace with life is inspiring and relatable. She works hard to climb the corporate ladder, fought through her own demons, experienced the ups and downs of life, lost and found love, and finally got her own back. Her personal life was far from perfect, and the readers will surely relate to her thoughts and situations. The conversations she had with her mother, the taunts and criticisms she hurled at her haunted her constantly. But the thing that impressed me is that the author made Sonia use it to her own advantage. She soared high and didn’t succumb to the negativity. I believe, through this aspect of her character, the author sent a positive message to the readers. The story revolves around her, but the rest of the characters got enough space to play their roles responsibly.  The character development in this novel is excellent. Each one was well-built, and the author did not lose her grip over them throughout the story. She pulled the strings rightly and made them look real as if I was seeing them in flesh and blood. Rannvijay, the would-be husband of Sonia whom she ditches for Sameep; Sameep, an understanding and supporting life partner who stood by Sonia in thick and thin. The other two characters, Rishabh, her boss and Mehul, the infatuated junior had significant roles in her life. It was prominent that Smita Das Jain was well aware of the tricks and trades of the corporate world as she handled the professional front of their lives like a pro. It seemed as if the author picked some real people and gave them a stage to act while she monitored their moves and directed them at times to do stuff that would spice up the plot.  She armoured Sonia with an indomitable personality, added faults to give authenticity, and let her handle everything in an elegant way. The timing for the characters and the incidents weren’t confusing as they played their roles to the right extent. No extra dose of emotion and drama. The character sketching was a mature mind's work. The readers will easily connect to each one, their thoughts, emotions and actions, once they get the pulse of the story. The author didn’t hold back the behind-the-scenes scenarios. Rather, she finely portrayed them to bring out the strength and spirit of the characters. No big twists and turns, not a thriller, yet the story had exciting instances to make me feel the thrill and keep me hooked.  The language was lucid, and no word or grammatical glitches marred the flow of my reading. The author chose her words well to express and present her thoughts to the readers. The narration was taut and smooth. Witty dialogues, interesting conversations, and the perspective, the thoughts of each character complimented their personality traits. The gradual development of the plot made me look forward to the next chapter. No loose ends or slack in the storyline made this book an interesting read. With the corporate setting, the author added intriguing layers to the story. She blended office politics, steamy flicks, parental abuse and its lingering effects, work and life balance hassles while keeping Sonia’s own struggles and her life with her husband Sameep in the backdrop. All these elements made the book a page-turner.  If you're looking for a page-turner that combines a tale of love, ambition, self-discovery, and inspiration, then this book is definitely a must-read. What sets this book apart is how deftly the author tackled every issue and resolved the complexities maturely. The only thing I didn’t like was Mehul’s re-entry towards the end. I felt it was unnecessary since Sonia was looking forward to a new start. And I was hoping for her to get a closure with her mother too. Nonetheless, the premise, the nuances of the plot, her choosing Auroville, the descriptions of the locations and incidents, all teamed up to suffice the minor shortcomings.  Overall, A Price to Love is a poignant and engaging novel that keeps you engaged from beginning to end. The characters are well-developed, and the writing is top-notch.  What makes this book so compelling is the author's masterful ability to intertwine several issues adeptly. Smita Das Jain’s writing is insightful, and her characters will remain with me for long. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a thought-provoking, inspiring and emotional read. ~*~ Get your copy here: