A Psychedelic Love

Mithila Gogate posted under PenMuse-32 Poetry on 2021-07-07

Cuddled in your warmth, doodling purple roses, Basking in an afterglow, high on desire. I breathe you in, musk and a hint of mystique A flint stoking my dormant embers afire. Undulating trance to a rhythm ecstatic, A purple haze enraptures, I see you swoon. Our gentle monotone turns psychedelic. Pain surges as your fingers dig crescent moon Adorning my pale skin with purple bruises. Even as I run, turn away, cleanse my mind, You lure me back with love, of a toxic kind.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!