A Seed

Ratnaprabha Raykar posted under PenMuse-41 Poetry on 2022-05-18

Filled with awe am I as I glance at a seed in my hand               Brown, miniscule, plain Replete with abeyant ardor, its growth grand Waiting for the right ethos to attain Being thrust into the dark,deep down in the terrain Knowing it has to work hard Break open the dark brown coat, muffle in the rain Soar,to reach Sol God’s shard Silently it spreads it’s roots beneath the surface of the yard Strengthening it’s hold in the soil Uncoils it’s shoots,it’s leaves unfurl and boughs with flowers starred As it’s flowers to fruit toil Thoughts like the seeds buried deep down uncoil Giving rise to action that sustain Deeds incredible, amazing, marvelous hard to foil  Serving mankind again and again.       Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!