A Silent Friend

Leena Auckel posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S1: Poetry on 2021-08-30

She would always pine to converse. He'd be busy with things diverse Unquenched thirst to pour her lone heart, Tears flowed mourning the miles apart. Loneliness - pricking pain. She then sought solace in words’ world. And to the rhymes of verses swirled, Fingers tapped, prose bloomed like flowers. And gained hundreds of followers. Loneliness- godsent boon. She was now used to seclusion, Scribbling with no one's intrusion. She longed for the sacred silence, To weave her magical sentence. Loneliness - newfound strength. Solitude, her new companion . She awaited their reunion. Together, they knitted stories, Which travelled to many countries. Loneliness - bosom friend.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!