A Tree in a Tray

Ratnaprabha Raykar posted under PenMuse-35 Poetry on 2021-11-21

You brouhaha at my allure Preen over my branches array Awe over ‘a tree in a tray’ Bringing blooms in Nature, indoor But,wish my arms grasp the azure Cool breeze sashay through my branches Boughs grow heavy with roost and fruit Hearken the tweets of the wee ones Bestow shade and refuge to amblers While roots hanker for spread and water A girl child too has no leeway Extolled,glorified,fawned over Disciplined to be mute,demure Visions, notions stifled anyway Unbound she wishes to soar Her wishes with a fervour embracing Chasing her dreams myriad Rivetting diligence on her aims Bidding to forge further Reaching her goal solo she aspires For beauty,a tree is smothered And the Order stifles the girl child   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!