A Trunkful of Hope

Shashikala Gadepally posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-39 on 2022-03-19

Harshita arranged her clothes, towels, bedsheets in the trunk and was surprised to see that it could accommodate many more clothes. She stood there appreciating the hugeness of the trunk.  “Harshi, pack the remaining ones. Unlike the new ones this mighty old trunk is more accommodative and uncomplaining; my father’s gift when I got married and till date it has carried loads of clothes and has travelled places in those rough conditions of railway carriages. Though gasping for breath, the sturdy porters of the yesteryears carried it but never gave in under its weight. It has stood the test of time and harsh weather, that is the strength of that material. The affection and trust of my family resides in it even today. It may not have the physical appeal to this generation but can any of the sophisticated suitcases compete with this iron trunk pette?  “Amma, this pette holds loads of affection and blessings of tata, ammamma. You cherish their memories through this gift and it will never fade away. And what’s more Nanna too is fond of this unique gift.”


Grandfather blessed her as she touched his feet, “May God bless you with happiness and peace. You are blessed with a family which has given you the best upbringing. And the family that you are going into is a respectable and affectionate one.Happiness of this new family depends on how you connect and maintain relationship with each of the family members that keeps the family happy and together.” “Tata, your words are the best gift for my wedding. But don’t you think acceptance and mutual respect matter in a marriage?” “Dear Harshita,if my words are precious to you don’t question relationships. Let not these doubts and questions disturb the smoothness of your ties……... I thought you would be curious to know about my gift for your wedding!” He sure wanted to lighten the atmosphere. “ Take these keys and open it, it is not a sophisticated one but I am sure it will always remind you of this old man.”  “Tata so thoughtful of you to have got this trunk pette for me.” She hugged him with moist eyes.


“Trunk? Couldn’t your father buy you Aristocrat suitcase?” Himanshu’s sarcasm hit her.  “This is my grandfather’s…..” she felt choked. “Oh! So this is his gift? Such old fashioned and out dated ideas. I would have been happier without this ‘precious gift’. It is a misfit in our posh room.Keep it under the double cot.” His knotted eyebrows and the creases on his forehead became more pronounced as he cast a disdainful glance at the new black trunk which held her grandfather’s blessings and love. Her grandfather’s words flashed in her mind. “I agree it is not a branded one but it has its own unique, unrivalled brand that brings a smile to my face and motivates me to keep my relationships in tact.” The warmth of the trunk reflected on her face.  


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