A Virtual Realm

Sheena Jain posted under PenMuse-11 Poetry on 2019-09-18

On the haunting trail Of a bygone era My dusty memories Took an unexpected turn Bringing vivid flashes Of the days ablaze With love, laughter and life

My childhood shouted aloud From the rooftops  Where the kids had gathered For another somnolent evening When powercuts had an upside And neighbours were like family Elders coiled up on their cots Like hosepipes that had done their job The watered floor cooled the air And the aroma of savouries  Dissolved in a hot teacup next door Creating sounds louder Than the generator of the landlord With the big house around the corner Stories hung like clothes  Over the half-built boundaries And mothers clipped them with hushed voices The ungrateful son, the pompous showoff Alcoholic father, self-made daughter Runaway bride, the indolent husband Our moral lessons were home-made Served with a garnish of caution Will these rusted frames of the past Suit the textured walls of my living room Where life moves by the tick tock Of a clock that seems to be  Mocking my nostalgia

Sigh! Even the television soaps Don't remember that time anymore Boundaries are taller now Stories no longer crossover And humanity dwells  In a virtual realm ________________