A Warm Love Affair

Shailaja Pai posted under PenMuse-14 Poetry on 2019-12-13

On a dark, gloomy shelf I now huddle Behind mountains of clothes, unused and old What a wretched life! No one to cuddle  In this winterless place that knows no cold. Long ago, on the quaint, sleepy hills She looked at me, fell madly in love I gave her warmth and fought the chills Boy, does she even remember me now? One day, last month, as she walked towards me 'At last!' I thought 'She is here to be mine' Grabbing arms of wool, outstretched in glee She hung me taut on the clothing line. I sweltered under the blazing sun Every fibre of my being was on fire The heartless lady l thought was the one Was blind as a bat to love and desire. I vowed to never set my eyes on her  And  give her rashes, dare she touch me again She broke my soft heart of the purest fur I swore, I'd avenge my hurt and pain. Wait! Is the December breeze turning cool? My oath is forgotten, hope is growing tenfold Here she comes, craving the warmth of my wool We are one at last, God bless the cold. _____________________________ _____________________________