A Wish Not to Wish

Lavanya P Kesan posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-28 on 2021-03-23

“RJ Sana going live. Three...Two...One...” A voice hollered through the Studio. Sana plastered a grin on her somber face. Switching the microphone on, she adjusted the headset. “’MORNINGGGG, BANGALORE!!! WELCOME…to another great show with Sana – Tadaaaa-with-Sana! For the next few hours, I’m going to talk to you about a cute delicate thing called Wish. What comes to your mind when you hear it? What’s your desperate wish? Do you wish often? Does it change everyday? Has it been fulfilled? Dial 48883339 and tell me about it. I’m all ears. Stay healthy. Stay happy. You’re listening to Radio Box 99.2FM. Break in for joy, folks!” With the microphone switched off, she worked with dexterity playing a hit number and a few advertisements. A light blinked indicating a caller. “Heyyy, Madhumitha here.” The caller’s voice trembled with enthusiasm. “Sooo happy to have got the line at last.” “Heyyy, me toooo!! So, what’s your wish, Madhu?” Sana tried to sound excited. “To talk to you! And…I did it! You’ve nooo idea how long I’ve been trying.” “Awww!”   A wish, that simple? “Also, I wish to get into a University of my choice to pursue M.S.” “Awwwwwesome. You will, definitely!” Soon as Madhumitha got off, another caller got connected. “Tadaaa! Who’s on call?” Sana asked. “Hello, this is Nidhi.” “Heyy, Nidhi, tell me yours.” “I’m a working mother. Everyday, I wish to quit my job. I wish to be with my kid at home watching him grow. But, the situation now demands me to work……I keep hoping my wish gets fulfilled one day, though.” How wishes vary with age! Will we ever grow out of them? “That’s saddening, Nidhi. May it happen sooner.” “Thanks.” As Sana recalled her past few conversations, she dreamed about her desperate wish. How I wish I was selected for the coveted position in the Production team. Ain’t I creative enough to get it? She sighed. The light blinked again. A lot of them wanted to talk to her that day. The lines seemed to be buzzing constantly. “Hello, Dr.Suresh here.” “Good to have you on my show, doctor. So, what does a wish mean to you?” “Well…an oldie like me would simply say that wishes are tricky thieves.” “Whoa! That’s a different perspective altogether. Please go on.” Sana sat up in curiosity. And, so did the entire crew at the Station. “They steal your present and its happiness. They exhaust the energy required for the now, don’t they?” Yes, these thoughts on the lost position do drain me out. “A wish is an expectation from the future, Sana. Live your life devoid of expectations. I know that’s easier said than done. But, isn’t it always good to be surprised than disappointed? So, I wish not to wish!” “Goodness!! I’m happy that you called us today. That’s a splendid wish, indeed!” The doctor chuckled. Sana resumed the show with a clear mind and renewed vigour. Nothing else mattered then, other than living the moment. Won’t life be easier that way?


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