A Woman So Divine

Nisha Tandon posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-09

Her ocean-blue eyes And her ashen face Her quivering lips An epitome of grace Two crescent-shaped brows Enrich her molten eyes A well-sculpted figure  Many a flaw can disguise Her careless laughter  Her sensuality innate  Her picture-perfect stance  And her majestic gait  Her smoky voice  And looks so intense  She is a natural  With not an iota of pretence  So childlike she seems So unworldly and pristine  She is an enchantress A woman so divine  She is fresh as a dew And impetus as rain She can effortlessly make you  Fall in love once again  A passionate heart With a soul so pure  With her mysterious ways  She can easily lure  Sometimes so well guarded And at times so naive Her presence so breathtaking  Glory of envious eyes  God’s unrivalled creation His nonpareil theme She is perfectly imperfect And every man’s dream


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