Adieu haze, love thyself !!

Ishtpreet Kaur posted under PenMuse-15 Poetry on 2020-01-21

She was seeking something for years in life,
The head and the heart were always in a strife.

She delved in her thoughts, pondered and mined,
Thus, she decided to resolute and let the sun shine.

The dark nights of quandary were nowhere now seen,
She finally registered, love is what makes her keen.

After years she sensed the fragrance of her life,
To the fantasy world she took a high flight.

Her thoughts were limpid, as she found the divine,
The celestial beauty of her existence started to shine.

Soon her eyes regained the lost twinkle,
For she found love in her soul, which was a miracle.

She finally parted her ways from the bewilderment,
And told to the world the way to fulfilment.


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