Ah! Yellow

Manpreet Chadha posted under PenMuse-08 Poetry on 2019-06-11

That sunshine hue with a radiant warm glow The ombre ensemble in my wedding trousseau The dainty silk with embroidered marshmallow Complemented by exquisite golden fringe below That compliment still rings, of a dear fellow For that gift on first job from mother mellow A delicate chiffon, two toned, sort of lemon 'Oh, someone is looking so pretty in yellow' That sateen ochre outfit for pre wedding function Memories still fresh of yellow themed occasion A huge round amber bindi adorning my forehead Inviting stealthy glances, even causing heartburn That sheer frilly frock, a mustard band for head Breathtaking sunflowers on cream base spread Mom's intricate thread work for a birthday bash Fond memories of 'Ah! Yellow' will forever tread __________ Connect with us on social media: __________