All in a Day

Neel Anil Panicker posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-47 on 2022-12-20

There could never be a more eventful day. It so happened that I was heading as usual to office. It was a regular Monday morning that saw me get out of home at exactly Five O Eight and scurry out of the colony gates. The guard on duty was absent and add his utter insouciance and lack of good manners and there is no reason why he hasn't been shown the door so far. Well, I will leave that part and tell you that I  waited for my pre-booked Uber ride - a daily indulgence that I gleefully chose to beat the rush hour Delhi traffic. The said car did come on time, as was promised, and I stepped in and slinked into his comfy backseat. An hour's ride awaited me; I put on my ear pods and allowed Bob Dylan to make love to my ears. "Excuse me, is this heading to South Extension? Could you give me a lift? I'm getting and my Uber's got a flat tyre." I looked up; a woman, flowing jet black hair and mega sized earrings  jangling on either ears was smiling down. We were on the Akshardham traffic intersection. " is!", I mumbled  absentmindedly, a nonplussed expression lining my visage. The signal turned green just as she flung herself beside me. I shifted slightly and succumbed, this time to Coldplay. Thanks a lot. I shall alight here. I barely heard her. By the time I realised so, the car had whizzed off. I opened my eyes ten minutes later and just when I was alighting something caught my attention. There it was_ a brand new IPhone the colour of bright silver. Oh my! This lady...whoever she's her phone...she must have forgotten to take it or maybe, it may have slipped form her bag, which I suddenly recalled was also silver in colour and had a couple of  pockets on either end. Suddenly, I was hit by a brainwave. Mindful of a morning two hour meeting,  quickly picked up the said phone and stepped out of the vehicle. The next two hours went by in office affairs and one more in related official matters. By the time I could extricate myself from office drudgery and check the 'abandoned phone' it was well past 4. A string of missed, all from different numbers bombarded my weary eyes. On intuition I dialled the first number, but instead my phone to do so. ' that you...the guy in whose Uber I left my phone?" The voice, feminine to the core, was laced with a high degree of innocent expectancy. "'s me...err Raghav. I'm on my way back." The words were fast and lucid; the voice the epitome of inner calmness. "Cool. I'll be at same place where you dropped me. You get my IPhone. I’ll buy you coffee." I sat back and sighed, my heart brimming with fond hopes. There could never be a more eventful day.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!