An Adventure With Dora and Boots

Sachin Virochan S posted under CrewToon Flash Fiction on 2021-11-14

I chanced to meet Dora and Boots when I was studying in 6th standard. It was when I believed that cartoon characters were real and they had emotions, just like humans. I walked towards her and introduced myself. (The upcoming dialogues in this story were originally conversed in Tamil … so, for many to know about this “incident” this conversation has been translated from Tamil to English by me) SACHIN: Hello Dora and Boots! I am Sachin. I stay in this locality and I am a big fan of yours. I am so pleased to meet you. DORA: Hello Sachin, nice meeting you, too! (in a sarcastic manner) Came here for my autograph, huh? SACHIN: (A bit annoyed) Nope. I was just wondering about “you” being here. Since, you and Boots converse only in English … that too, very fluently, I thought you reside either in Europe or in America…… DORA: (In a mocking tone) I am cosmopolitan and I know all the languages that are spoken all across the world. We came here to meet my Indian friend Sarah, who resides in Chrompet … by the way, is this Chrompet? SACHIN: You are currently below the MIT bridge which comes under the control of the municipal corporation of Chrompet. By the way, where’s your friend’s house located? Maybe, I could help… DORA: (in a slightly worried tone) But, I don’t trust strangers and we might be at high risk if I trust you… SACHIN: (sternly) See, I don’t have any bad intentions and you can trust me. I am just a student and I am not associated with any gang or group… okay! If you are not going to believe me, bye. I am leaving. DORA: (desperately) Ok man, I believe you. Please don’t leave us alone… BOOTS: Hoo, hoo! Yeah, please don’t leave us. We don’t know anyone in this area other than you and, very well… Dora’s friend Sarah. SACHIN: But I am getting late for my tuition… My school got over a few minutes ago and by chance, I got to meet you both.  (HIS VOICE GETS INTENSIFIED AND HE STARTS PANICKING) I must be at my tuition centre which is at Srini hills, which is near Durga temple… DORA: (interrupting his conversation) Hey, did you just say Durga temple? Does it have a pond nearby? SACHIN: Hmm… yeah! Why are you asking? DORA: (excited) Sarah lives in an apartment named “THE HILLSIDE VIEW” and she… SACHIN: (relieved that she could help her) Dora, that apartment is the one that is beside my tuition centre… Maybe, I can help. I just have one minor doubt. Can you help me by answering that? DORA: Yeah! SACHIN: (anxiously) Is your friend … ahem … really your friend? Because, if she is your friend, she would have come to pick you up… am I right, Boots? BOOTS: Hoo… Hoo… Good thing you asked me, Sachin! Or else, she would have scolded you very badly… We are… DORA: (interrupting Boots) We are going to surprise her by visiting her without informing, Mr Sachin. You might also be wondering how we both became friends… right? SACHIN: Since you interrupted me, I couldn’t tell how much time we are left with… I just have fifteen minutes more. Shall we start walking towards our destination? DORA: Whoops! Sorry, let’s go. (They start taking a U-turn and then they took the next right… then, I began to talk proud about some places which make Chrompet, a good, accessible town suiting almost every need.) SACHIN: (panting) You see, Chrompet was mainly famous for leather manufacturing in the 20th Century and it wasn’t that developed. But after 2015, Chrompet started becoming one of the main towns located within Chennai. You have good places to purchase clothes, good places to eat, a very good place to watch films and out of all these places, you have some very extraordinary sight-seeing places to see within Chrompet. DORA: I really just loved the way you just explained everything, Sachin! Now to speed up our journey, let’s see whether we have anything useful inside my backpack. SACHIN: But it is better if we walk…. (She takes out a gadget from her backpack which worked in accordance to the owner’s instructions, but only once, in six hours. I remained in a shocked state since I thought only Doraemon had gadgets. After using that gadget, we reached, at last.) DORA & BOOTS: Thank you, Sachin! Our conversation ended there and we never met thereafter. [ratemypost] Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!