An Advice for a Lifetime

Harshita S Singh posted under Daddy Day Lessons on 2020-06-20

Rrrrriiinnnggg rrriiinnnggg!!! The jarring alarm clock interrupted my deep slumber. Snoozing the alarm, my eyes closed tightly shut.  Just when I was about to doze off, my brain switched to panic mode. “Gosh! How can you sleep!? Today’s the day the results come out!! AAaaaaaahhhh!!!”, I yelled, punching my pillow.   “WHAT are you doing!? The entire block knows you’re getting your results by now. Calm down, my hyper baby!”, I heard  my mom, as she burst into my room, laughing. “Sorry, Mom… I am just… anxious. I really wish I get into the Ivy Leagues.” “You will, honey! If you need anything, I’ll be in the kitchen making breakfast- pancakes, your favourite!”, she spoke as she started to walk out of my room. “Okay Mom! I’ll be out in a minute!”, I replied. “Oh! Almost forgot to mention…”, my Mom added, in a singsong voice, stopping in her tracks, “You’ve got mail!” No sooner had she spoken the words, I rushed towards the living room, stubbing my toe on the way.  Ouch… That hurt… Isn’t t-that a… bad omen!? My hands trembled as I tore open the envelope. Even though my fingers were halfway into the envelope, I was terrified. I had worked really hard, there was no way I could fail! I took a deep breath and pulled out the paper. “I GOT IN! MOM, I GOT IN!!!”, I shrieked at the top of my lungs.  I glanced, teary-eyed, at Dad’s photo on the mantel, his words ringing in my ears, “If you don’t want to be let down, work hard. Even if you fail, you’ll have the satisfaction that you tried.” I was glad I hadn’t let him down.


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