An Angel Who Taught Me Love

Mayank Saxena posted under PenMuse-12 Poetry on 2019-10-24

Never knew what love is He was in his own world Enjoying life with friends Life was 2 dimensional With family, friends Which  he never realized He never felt what is  The true magic of love  He thought it was just an Illusion, a ray of  False hope that diminishes In a blink of an eye But I didn't know what Was waiting for me in The path of life, A ray  Of shine touched my lone soul When I saw her first time I felt my heart beating Her brown eyes spelt magic When sunshine reflected From them directly touched My heart and the flowers Of love started to bloom And blossoming every day She came into my life Filled it with happiness With her around, I felt  A sense of completeness Without her my eyes doomed In sadness and felt lost I got to know what is The true meaning of love An unconditional Selfless, emotion which Bounds two soul like you-me Where you and me became us _ _