An Arranged Marriage

Deepti Sharma posted under PenMuse-12 Poetry on 2019-10-23

As the grey sky was still  scaffolding on the loose  seams of our flavoured night's penumbra, a latent sun brewed with a purple Promise of my morn dream. Insolvent rainbows leave a trail each day, plaited behind my ears as a hint of your gaze sprout, with the yellow rain lilies, clothing my amber noon. wicked hours simmer on  the low flame, reduced to a pulpy sweetmeat, I  roll it in my greasy amorous palms, and with a sigh, embroider it! As the sun christens, the deficient ocean, my unruly hair refuse the fetters, chasing the breeze away with lilies and it's incensed nectar. later, tinkering dusk coil around my ankle, Sinatra's on the loop.  And wispy violins  play as you bring silver stars over the table. With, a vermilion moon  tucked in my hair as a hyperbole twilight, the night over the high tide shall cradle the warm breath between our pert lips! ___ ___