An Artist's Mind

Vishwanathan Iyer posted under PenMuse-34 Poetry on 2021-10-11

A sneak peak in an artist’s life Beaming with smile always Challenges, he hides from all Ducking it, he moves ahead Eager to live a life of dreams Forgets his pains as he works Gambling with luck, he tries Hardly the lady luck smiles  Inspiration for many, he does not cry Just for others, he keeps a smile Knowing the world recognizes him. Life is not a bed of roses for him Moving ahead, he gets thrown back Never does he lets negativity hit Opportunities are rare for an art Practice is his biggest weapon  Quality of work his asset Recognition his biggest wish Solitude is the way he prefers To the likes of many, he performs Unique is his thought process Vibrant are his actions Well-being of all, his motto X-factor makes him favourite Years of experience brings calmness Zing in his walk reflects his pride   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!