An Awakening

Anne Adarsh posted under PenMuse-12 Poetry on 2019-10-23

I sit at my window The rain falls so gently, The setting sun, mellowed Your thoughts come quietly. A petrichor you were To my love for the rain. Oh, like the petrichor after the summer rains In which I had danced  To this heart-song so vain. I thought I had loved you And thought you loved me too. I loved you foolishly For I was a child then, For if I could see the Reckless hearts of all men? Would have learned this gem; Chosen wise in the end. With age comes great wisdom And now it all makes sense, I almost laugh as I See it through life' s lens. Something lost, something gained Heartbroken, Pride regained. Wading through this life I Find something to grab on, Having lost myself once I won't still my life pawn. You see, now I love me More than you could baby. I found a friend in me Serendipitously, I found a bruised warrior, A self-discovery.  I go on journeys strange, Without you, for a change. __________ __________