An Indelible Encounter

Saumaya Gupta posted under CrewToon Flash Fiction on 2021-11-13

The yellow and orange hues of the sun’s radiation fill the afternoon sky.  As I amble past the well groomed petunias and daisies, I notice an unrecognizable silhouette. “Who might that be?” I question myself.  Curiosity gets the best of me and within no time I find myself advancing toward the unknown………Spiderman?! Wait! What? Realization hits me like bolt from the blue that I stand in front of a red and blue suit clad, well- defined avenger.  The superhero does not seem to have noticed me, so I collect every ounce of courage I own and tap his shoulder. The anticipation mixed with exhilaration make my blood surge through my body with a devilish speed.  After what seemed like an eternity, he faces me with a heart-warming smile. Just the sight of his face makes me tongue tied.  “You…spider- haha- joking right- not funny...” My embarrassing rambling continues for the next 59 seconds coupled along with a skeptical joy filled smile etched on my face. The receiver of this queer behavior looks at me with concern filled eyes.  Once I have contained myself after the most embarrassing conversation of my life (if my babbling alone is categorized as a conversation), I gaze at him confusedly.  As if sensing my cluelessness, Spiderman mentions the reason for his visit in my hometown. “There are some deadly goons here. I need your aid to deal with them. My sources tell me that you are a seasoned knife thrower besides being an unmatched hacker. I assure that your security would be taken care of if you would like to join me.”  He gives me a moment to contemplate the offer. I reply with a nod and his eyes instantly light up. “Great! It’s a one day mission so we are going to end it today itself.”  “Okay”.  He runs me through the plan. It sounds pretty simple, but if we mess up, both he and I are going to be six feet under. Gradually, the blanket of black dons the sky and we meet at the rendezvous point.  Subsequently after going through the plan one last time, we bring to life the mission.  Clutching the Swiss Pocket dagger set and my trusted laptop, I hack into the mafia database. My heart is pounding and my forehead is trickling with sweat as I wait for Spiderman to do his part.  All of a sudden, he jumps in front of me out of nowhere. I am barely able to keep in my yelp when he sweeps me of my feet; literally. Within a blink of the eye I am standing in front of a humongous digital safe, filled with illegal money as the Avenger had told.  Without wasting any time I punch the code I had found in the abyss of numbers inside the keypad. I avoid asking the fate of the owner of the vault as I am not sure whether I would like to know that.  ‘Welcome user. You have gained access to the lock’  Oxygen fills my lungs once again.  A grin makes way to my face.  I wait for my accomplice’s remark only to find him gone! Disappointment overpowers any other emotion. That’s when a yellow sticky note catches my attention. It is from Spiderman!  ‘Thank you so much Cyra. This would have had been impossible without you. I was honored to have worked with you. Hope to do it again sometime! Sorry for going uninformed; duty calls.’  The stolen twinkle returns as I head home after the blaring of police sirens reaches my eardrums!


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