And She Escaped

Bhatnagar posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-27 on 2021-02-24

The sun rays struggle to make their way inside the hut that looked no less than a dungeon. The only creaky door only opens once a blue moon when there is a new visitor to a place.  “I guess there is going to be a new visitor.” A voice spoke. “Yes may be”,said another voice. Both of them called themselves as caretakers of the hut.  Finally the door banged open and she was given a hefty shove inside and the door creaked again as it was shut. “Shall we talk to her?”, first voice whispered.  “No! Do you want to scare her?”, came second voice.  “We are not supposed to speak. You are just a stick and I am a tiny doll. I don’t want to frighten this timid girl.” “But that’s what we did every time an innocent girl was brought here and the result is always heart wrenching. Had only we spoke…..” “Okay fine! Let’s Try” “Hey you girl!How did you end up here?” the doll spoke gathering all her courage. The girl on the other hand was startled and looked in the direction of the voice only to find nothing.  “It’s me speaking”,continued the doll. The girl’s eyes were wide open as she saw a doll came to life and approaching her. While it was already more to digest, the stick came hopping from the other end. “We both are the witnesses to many innocent girls falling prey to this monster and meeting a fateful end every time we overhear that pimp about the new deal he cracks.  “But I won’t give up that easily. That b******  is going to take me overseas in three days and before that I need to escape. Also,I will make sure that no other girl becomes a victim anymore.“ The girl started to think of escape and her new found friends vowed to help her. Soon she saw a can full of kerosene and she knew what needs to be done. “Did you both see the window?”, she asked the doll and the stick pointing towards rusty window on the frail wall.  After sprinkling the kerosene I will break open the window and once all three of us escape, I will set the house on fire.  “You can take my help to break open the window”. The stick beamed. “But you’ll get hurt.”Both girl and the doll looked concerned. “I was more hurt when I had to see innocent girls suffered in front of me”. The plan looked full proof.  As the door opened again, the girl banged the stick on the man’s head and made him unconscious. She then broke the window open and called out her friends only to find the stick hurt too badly to move and doll refusing to leave her side. Unbeknownst to her the house was set on fire. Though she managed to escape putting an end to horrible locale but lost her distinct friends in pursuit. _______________________________


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