Angel's Day Out

Shilpa Keshav posted under Flash Fiction Giggles@Penmancy on 2019-11-13

The Little Angels School in Paradise Land was buzzing with enthusiasm. It was Children’s Day and like every year, this year too, they would visit Earth. They were grouped in pairs and sent. Asha and Dhairya zoomed with excitement. They landed on the busy streets of Mumbai. Most of the people were glued to their gadgets. As they walked, they saw a little girl, 7 or 8 years old, selling Jasmine flowers on the roadside, with a grim expression. They planned to cheer her up. Asha twitched her nose and lo! A burger appeared. Dhairya waved his hand and a cute teddy popped up. Muskaan's hazel eyes lit up as she saw the gifts. “Are these for me?”  “Yes. Will you be our friend and show us around the place?” Asha asked. “But I can’t leave without selling these flowers.” Suddenly, the street was filled with sweet fragrance of Jasmine. Women couldn’t proceed without buying them. Muskaan stood baffled as all of them were sold in minutes. The threesome left for the nearest park, hopping and giggling, taking high leaps which startled Muskaan. On the way, the little angels played harmless pranks like tossing dosas from plates or misplacing slippers outside temple that created chaos. They laughed their stomachs out. In the park, they rolled in the mud, played swing and see-saw. Dhairya waved his hand and a pool of juice flowed. Asha brought in a chocolate fountain. Even kids from the neighbourhood joined in and relished the magical moment. They were so innocently indulged, that no one doubted the hands of magic. The little angels’ happiness knew no bound. For the first time they realised that sharing happiness doubled their own pleasure. The contagious laughter filled up the sky. Even the angels up above smiled.


