Animal Farm

Divik Kandpal posted under Book Review on 2019-05-14

I had first heard about this book in a school quiz contest in books and authors' section. Whatever I faintly remember is that I had thought it would be one of those humorous kids books. Maybe something like the animals from Old Mcdonald's Farm. That's on the lighter note. I know that a lot has been written about the book. It is a hard-hitting satire written in 1944 primarily against communism and the utopian world promised. Giving the rightful example of an animal farm where animals take over the farm from humans, as a revolutionary farm which would be run by animals themselves and where all animals would be equal, and all their miseries would go away, all will work hard for, will have enough food and rest/ leisure. However, the story shows a classic case which happens nearly in all revolutions or changes- where all were equal, however, some became more equal than others. Therefore, some started enjoying all luxuries available and for the rest, the conditions became much worse than that was earlier under humans. Though the story was written in 1944 with a particular set of events and situations prevalent at that point of time, unfortunately, the story is relevant or repeats in each and every revolutionary or change movement in any country including India in some form or the other. The novel is a classic and is a must read, especially for students prior to joining the college where they slowly formulate their ideas about the world and politics as such. Given a chance, I would love to read the reviews of this book from all the Indian politicians who started their careers as student leaders in the 70s and now are in the position of power or have tasted power. Happy Reading!