Anna Granny's Magic Healers

Aditi Lahiry posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-36 on 2021-12-23

It was that time of the year when snowflakes were visible outside the window. The children were busy making snowballs and snowmen. They all wore their best scarves and sweaters and eagerly waited for Santa Claus's arrival. The small cottage beneath  Greenhill was empty today , like all the other days of that terrible year ,as Anna Granny was bedridden and too sick to sit with the orphaned boy Little Tim and his companions Blake, Joe , Rickey and Megan , the girl with a stammer. She used to sit and read stories to them and make them read stories too.  Her whole world revolved around them . After the death of her husband , she had got the energy to play her second innings only with the company of these orphans. It all started one evening , when she had left her Library door open and found a little boy about six years old already inside and looking at all the colourful books with the curious eyes of the puppy.  Meanwhile, Tim and his companions were feeling extremely sad thinking about Anna Granny. " Will she never be able to recover? Who will read out stories to us ? We wish there could be some magical power to cure her completely? I... wa...nt ..tooo.. gra...nny... I't wa....nt to a..ny.. pre..sen..ta , the children said and Megan expressed her feelings clearly. Everyone was waiting for a miracle. The doctor was tired of his visits and changing one medicine after the other for Anna Granny. Perhaps ,if this pandemic had not distanced her, she would be able to be better with the company of all those abondoned children whom Tim had brought along with him . They brought a ray of sunshine into her dark and gloomy life. As she read stories to them , she helped them enter an amazing land of imagination . Their curious eyes ,sparkled , when she read them the stories. They did not bring anything but the company of Anna Granny made them feel loved and cared. "Magic is something that we make on our own . We just have to come together and speak for ourselves,"Blake told Tim and the other children headed straight to meet Harry, the manager of their orphanage to request him to give their Christmas allowance a week before Christmas.  Harry was initially reluctant , but he decided to observe them from a distance. Soon the children headed to the market and bought story books and a warm blanket for the angel ,who helped them  enter  inside the world of hope and light Anna Granny's eyes twinkled as she heard some sound ." I can hear the children . They must have come inside the library, I want to be with them . Lucy please take me to the Library", Anna Granny instructed her nurse.  Upon entering  the library, Anna Granny witnessed a magical sight. A huge pile of new books were arranged like a tall Christmas Tree. The children greeted  together" Merry Christmas Anna Granny".  


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