Anything For You

Pooja Gupta posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-30 on 2021-05-20

“Yum, yum, It looks so delicious,” said a gleaming Robin while enjoying the smell emanating from that vessel. “Sherry, come on. Now this is what I call a treat,” he chuckled as he sat for the dinner. The candle light had created the perfect ambience.  After the dinner finished, he looked at his mother. Slowly, he slipped down at the corner, he was devastated. “Sherry, how did this happen? I never saw this coming!”Robin was weeping heavily. “Pal, some things aren’t in our hands; they are just destined. Don’t hold yourself responsible for it.” “Thanks Sherry for always being there.” “Hey look at your hands. Go and clean them,” whispered Sherry. “Sherry, I have been cleaning my hands for a while but see it’s not helping,” Robin hollered while vigorously rubbing his hands. “Don’t worry. You are obsessed with washing your hands. Just go and rest for a while, “Chuckled Sherry. “You are right. Mom is also sleeping. Better not to disturb her. I don’t know when this power supply will be restored,” he scoffed. Soon he was fast asleep adjacent to his mom. *** “Rohan, please get these essentials from the grocery store,” said Laxmi while passing him the list. “No Maa. I won’t be able to go. The owner mocks me and conspires with that chotu,” Rohan replied while washing his hands. An exasperated Laxmi decided to go herself. “Maa, wait Sherry can go. Sherry, you shall help Maa,” bellowed Rohan while checking his hands. Sherry decided to ignore his command.  “Rohan, I guess you shall think again before putting up the resignation,” suggested Laxmi. “Maa, have you ever tried to understand my predicament. Since papa has passed away, you stopped bothering for me.  In college, no one talks to me. In staff room, they hurdle together and keep whispering. I am sure, if I don’t resign, they will hatch a plot against me. So my decision is final,”affirmed a visibly upset Rohan. Looking at Sherry, he continued, “Now, only Sherry is left who cares and is empathetic towards me. He only advised me to resign from this unproductive job.” The clueless Laxmi stood silent! *** Rohan woke up startled. Laxmi was still sleeping. “Sherry, why is maa not waking up?” he was worried. “Hey buddy, you forgot? “whispered  Sherry. “Oh yeah, she was ploying against you. She as telling some doctor on phone that Rohan keeps talking to his shadow. Sherry, she refuted your existence and mocked us! Though she knew it’s you who has been through my thick and thin. You have been by my side always and I can’t hear anything derogatory against you.”Rohan was almost sweating. “by the way, where is the baton you used? We need to clean it,”Sherry murmured in his ear. “Oh yes, you light up the other candle while I clean it.” Sherry, the shadow winked while patting him. Author’s note- Schizophrenia- a disorder that affects a person’s ability to think, feel and behave clearly. It is characterized by thoughts or experiences that seem out of touch with reality. Patient suffers with hallucinations and delusions!   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!