At the Threshold

Shweta Singh posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-18

I perch on the Elm tree and wait for her, Every morn she sits at the threshold One leg inside the house, the other outside – As if in two minds,  Though she has been doing that  Less n less, off lately.  She just sits, head against the door frame With a vacant stare and Purple, black and blue bruises All over her body. Oh! She covers them up, but I’ve seen And have caressed them  A million times.  And have felt her sigh as if Caressed by a mother’s hand. I’ve carried her whimpers n anguish To other windows and doors, but None welcomed me or heard her pleas. As I move now, the leaves rustle  And she looks up waiting for me  To caress her face yet again.  I carry no moisture, no need for it  Her tears are enough With my wispy fingers I try to wipe them I try to whisper in her ear, words  Of encouragement, of assurance  That I’ll be always there, for her. The wind beneath her tiny wings The breeze that will carry her away Far, far away from this pain But she needs to want to fly… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POET’S NOTE: While listening to reports of increased domestic violence against women and children due to the coronavirus lockdown, this image formed in my head, of a woman sitting at the threshold. I cannot help them but I can write. ______________________________


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