Autumn Vibes

Sarita Khullar posted under PenMuse-51 Poetry on 2023-04-21

Leaves are vibrant and falling in a sway, Dame Autumn is expanding her hold,  Migratory birds are about to fly away, Winds are turning fierce  and stray, Making squirrels to hide from cold, Leaves are vibrant and falling in a sway, Gone are alluring flowers of the May, Radiant roses ,marigolds and lilac bold, Migratory birds are about to fly away, Where are cardinals and blue Jay, Earth has turned a shade of gold, Leaves are vibrant and falling in a sway Sunlight is dimmed with fading sun ray, Bears hibernate in the earth’s warm fold, Migratory birds are about to fly away, Nature is adding colours brilliant and gay, A flamboyant landscape does portray , Leaves are vibrant and falling in a sway, Migratory birds are about to fly away.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!