
Gowri Bhargav posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S3: Poetry on 2023-08-14

A Dalit by birth, he was from Madhya Pradesh,  His father worked for the British Army, Having lost his mother at the age of six, Ambedkar was raised by his dedicated aunt. His intelligence won him many accolades, He earned degrees traversing countries many, Struggles faced by him were several, But with great courage he emerged victorious. Having faced bitter humiliation for long, He led a crusade for Dalit’s upliftment, By breaking mindless practices and norms, Built a society egalitarian. Emerging as a great leader, He fought against social injustice, A radical thinker—he brought changes many, And dreamed of empowering every citizen. As the father of our Constitution, Babasaheb helped in framing the laws, His ideas inspire all generations, And impart lessons to uplift humanity. Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!