Bald is Beautiful

Seema Ambi posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-43 on 2022-07-05

“Oh my god! I am late again. That arrogant boss would take my class.” Murmuring, I reached the mirror. Though I was in a hurry, I wanted to make a high-haired bun. I combed my hair neatly. When I removed my hand from my hair, I was shaken by seeing a large chunk of hair. I started cursing the shampoo, hair oil, and hard water I used. And also, I decided to cut down the intake of junk food and the occasional drink. After a few days, I saw a large portion of hair on the lid of the bathroom drain hole. *** I was at the dermatologist's clinic, waiting for my turn. As the receptionist turned pages to register the appointments, my desperation went high. All the horrible stories of rejection because of baldness started dancing in front of me. I wanted to run away from this terrifying situation. The receptionist called my name, gave the report, and asked me to go inside. Every step towards the dermatologist’s cabin seemed like a carpet of fire. I was expecting some miracle, but God had other plans. As anticipated, it came out with Androgenetic Alopecia. Unfortunately, I was on the verge of losing 90% of my hair. *** Knowing the truth, I was feeling empty. That day only my sorrow and grief accompanied me. I could hear my sobs from every corner of the room.  “How would I face the world now? Would a wig work? Or should I go for a hair transplant? But the doctor said there is no cure. OMG! How would I go in front of Rahul? He adores my long hair.” Uff these endless eccentric thoughts. The doorbell chimed all of a sudden. Somehow, I heaved myself to the door. I was not able to see who was it at first. When I saw rubbing my eyes, I was dumbstruck. There she was, standing with full make-up, wearing diamond-studded dangle earrings. She was so alike, yet different, BALD yet stunning. She had a calm and gleaming smile. “Hey, love. It is me, the new YOU!” She said softly. I was bewildered. “Sweety, listen. Hang in there. Be self-loving. Welcome your new self with open arms. Embrace your new elegance. Beauty has many doors. You close one. It would unfold another.” Comforting me, she handed over an envelope full of articles on bald girls excelling in various fields.  *** I jolted up. I sensed a strange vigour and spirit flowing all through my body. My eagerness to start my life afresh forced me to break the cage of self-pity.  On the way to the office, as usual, I saw the buffaloes bellowed, the boys shouted, and the birds flew shrieking from the trees. Everything looked so vibrant and mesmerizing, unlike the past few gloomy and dull days. When I arrived at the office, everyone was stunned and glad at the same time to see my new unveiling. With a clean-shaven head, I am BALD yet beautiful.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!