Bambi can dance!

Scribbled Tales posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-29 on 2021-04-14

“Chameli, are you going to this year’s Cosmic Prom?” Bambi, the giraffe asked the toucan. “Yes, I hope you don’t embarrass yourself like last year!” Chameli said and flew away, giving a cold shoulder to Bambi.  Pandya, the gossipmonger monkey who was sitting on the nearby tree, silently heard them. Bambi started walking towards the clearance area where the night party was organized.  Pandya called out, “Hey, bam..bam...Bambi! Heading towards the prom? Ensure you get 1 or 2 perfect moves else sleep off and save your ass.” He mocked at poor Bambi.  Every year Simba, the lion king of the Kanha jungle, organizes a party for all the animals to play fun games, dance, enjoy delicious food and drinks. The animals can participate in the dance contest as a couple or solo or group, and the one who earns maximum votes is hailed as the ‘Dance Idol’ of the Kanha kingdom.  Bambi decided to go to the party alone and enjoy the prom night. He saw that the lions began with tango, followed by the rhinos who did salsa, and the monkeys who put up a grand hip-hop show; but the tigers bedazzled everyone with their belly dancing moves. The bears did tap dancing, the zebras jazzed, the elephants kept swinging and swaying all around; while all the younger ones did the cha-cha-cha. He admired the moonwalk of the toucans and the parrots.  Bambi thought to himself, “Everyone is dancing so well, I am the only one who can’t ace a single step.” Jackals, who were busy locking and popping, saw Bambi and remarked, “Look, who is here! Let’s welcome, the loser Bambi!”  Bambi was nervous yet he marched towards the dance floor. The music began and with the first step, he tumbled down with a loud thud. The entire clearance area roared with a thunderous laugh.  Bambi walked away feeling ashamed and sat weeping near the river bank.  “Indeed, I am a loser. I can’t dance and that’s why everybody treats me as a dud. Nobody loves me, I don’t wish to live.”  The wise old owl Gulia peeked through his round spectacles. He knew that all the animals ridiculed and snubbed Bambi.  Clearing his throat, he said, “Bambi, YOU ARE WORTHY. Always remember, you are special and don’t think you are less in any way. Everyone is unique. You need to figure out your music that will make your feet dance.” Bambi looked up and said, “How do you say that I’m gifted? I know nothing.”  Gulia advised, “Find your calling, Bambi. Believe in yourself and you shall succeed.”  Bambi looked at his replica in the river water and heard the buzz of the fireflies. He caught a tune in their buzz and moved his feet carefully. He flipped, took a leap of faith, and bounced on the floor. This time he was spot on and continued dancing. Hearing the hubbub, all the animals gathered to witness Bambi’s clean moves and were surprised.  Moral: You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. If you believe in yourself, anything is possible.


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