Being a Mother is an Attitude

Pradnya Surve posted under Break The Bias Flash Fiction on 2022-05-08

It was an unusually bright day and hot day. Neeta rushed through her daily chores. “Neeta, where are my socks, where is the blue file that I kept on the table…… endless queries and ranting followed. Neeta calmly gave all the things, Adi, her husband asked for and went back to finish the incomplete tasks.  Neeta , after four years of marriage, was used to this dependency and fulfilling all demands. Just then the phone rang.  “Hello, Neeta, Mummyji has suffered a cardiac arrest and hospitalized”, Milan said in a perturbed voice. Adi’s brother Sameer and his wife Milan lived a few blocks away. Adi’s mother lived with them. The next few days were spent at the hospital and talking to doctors. As they waited in the lounge Neeta saw Adi’s sombre expression. Always a playful Adi was depressed and sad. Neeta held Adi’s hand and slowly caressed his hair. “Maa, has spent her whole life looking after us. She has relentlessly put efforts to make us what we are today”. Neeta hugged him reassuringly and patted his hand. After a week Mummyji was normal and speaking to her family as she always did. Neeta and Adi insisted that Mummyji would stay at their home after being discharged from the hospital. Mummyji had a smile on her face as Neeta sponged her and helped her to get dressed. A bowl of hot soup and freshly prepared salad boost her spirit. Newspaper and books were read daily after breakfast. Television shows were enjoyed daily. Mummyji was overwhelmed by the motherly care Neeta gave her during hospital stay and at home. She reminisced the memories of how Neeta as a little girl impressed her. Back then Neeta’s family and Adi’s family were neighbors at the suburban condo. Neeta’s courteous behavior was appreciated by all. As children played in the park, it was Neeta who consoled children when they were hurt. A particular incident was forever etched on Mummyji’s memory. It was summer vacation. Children joyfully enjoyed their holidays. But Death of Mrs Sharma cast a pall of gloom over the complex. Varun cried inconsolably at the sight of his mother’s lifeless body. Neeta hugged Varun and took him to another room. She had brought her game set along. She continuously spoke to Varun, regaled him with humorous stories Varun not only stopped crying but over the next few days he had overcome his grief. Neeta Spent a lot of time talking and consoling Varun. The Six-year old’s motherly instincts were seen even then. Mummyji had tears in her eyes as Neeta nurtured her back to good health. She acknowledged her decision to have Neeta as her daughter-in-law.  Her daughter-in-[aw played the role of a mother to the whole family and society as well. “Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation”   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!