Bittu’s Coin

Arupam Maity posted under Flash Fiction Giggles@Penmancy on 2019-11-13

To his mother, Bittu is the naughtiest boy.  Giggle accompanies him always and he never stops from his mischief. An ordinary day, Bittu was busy with Rubik’s cube at his room adjacent to the kitchen. Suddenly he heard falling of a coin. His fickleness immediately drove him to find the coin. Then the Christian housemaid was cleaning utensils under the tap, outside the kitchen wall.  A little stroll, Bittu saw the ten-rupee coin is peeping under the maid’s foot. The maid was unaware of both Bittu and the coin.  A little struggle and Bittu finally managed to drag it.    Bittu was in a hurry, started running but collided with the scavenger. He had just started his work. The coin slipped out of Bittu’s grip and fell into the drain. He giggled and signed to the scavenger. The scavenger hesitantly gripped the coin from the filthy water and handed it over to Bittu. By then the maid had left and Bittu washed the coin at the tap.    He was still in a hurry, started to run towards his room. Again he was almost to collide with the Muslim milkman. Hurriedly, his mother came out of the kitchen and somehow the collision was avoided. Very rudely, she asked Bittu, why he was in so much hurry. Unable to conceal, Bittu revealed everything.  But the boy was too stubborn to let the coin go. Without listening to his mother, Bittu ran to his room and explained the story to his father.  He was very curious to know                 Why mom said so badly about them?                 His father was very brief in his answer                 Don’t let your mother run into you. Believe in what you feel.                 The father was not sure about his son’s understanding but his giggles were merrier than ago. __________

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