
Shweta Mathur Lall posted under PenMuse-19 Poetry on 2020-05-20

Blessing is fragrance, Lingers unnoticed. Revives, adorns world,  Filling life’s essence. One takes for granted. Blessings are dew drops, slide from leaves to ground. That glows in sunlight, give reason to world. Keep your cup brimming. Blessings are gnarled hands that caress you so. Bald head with White strands,  On creased foreheads glow. Nurturing you so. Blessing is eyebrow, That quirks, when you smile, Love brimming on you. Those misty drenched eyes. Count the moment in. Blessing are loved ones, So do keep them close.  And cherish them tons, As you never know, When the knell will blow.


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