Bus and Train

On a pleasant evening, Beamy Bus and Twinky Train met at the railway crossing. “Good evening, my Twinkle. How is life?” Beamy greeted. “Not as easy as yours, my mate. My life is a long and tireless journey.” Twinky sighed.  Beamy did not expect such a prickly response. “What do you mean, Twinky? Yours is a straight path on a predefined level track. My life is miserable with its numerous twists and turns. Not to mention the countless potholes in all shapes and sizes.  You do not even encounter a hump on your way.” Beamy snapped back. “But think of the distance I have to travel, Beamy! Unlike yours, it is not confined to a few streets. Look at my length. Twenty of you can easily fit in me. Carrying such loads is not a joke. You can hardly imagine my ordeal.” Twinky remarked with a cynical smile. Beamy was not ready to buckle. He asked rhetorically, “Well, tell me, do you have a steering wheel to begin with?” He continued, “I need to go around the town like a never-ending merry-go-round. I need to steer clear of all kinds of vehicles, humans, and sometimes cattle too.” He took a pause and sneered, “I challenge you. You will not be able survive the roads even for a day.” Twinky had been expecting such a challenge. She said triumphantly, “Hah, I am ready. I am long enough to provide commute to the entire town in one go. Would you dare to take my role?” She winked. “Sure. It would be a cakewalk for me. No traffic. No hassle. I can simply fly over those tracks.” Beamy proclaimed. Beamy and Twinky made a pact to swap roles for a day.  The news spread around the town like wildfire. Everyone was excited to see Beamy and Twinky in new roles. On the day of the event, vehicles, animals, and humans had gathered to witness the challenge. They were cheering for their favourite with whistles and drums. Beamy started the ride on the tracks with lot of zeal and fanfare. However, soon the tracks started hurting him. The soft rubber tyres almost fell apart rolling over the hot rolled steel. He began to sweat profusely and completely drained himself of energy. He had to abandon the journey before reaching the next station. Twinky also started with full of confidence on the highway. But she got confused after taking a turn. She had forgotten the fact that she could not reverse. Her engine got stuck and bogies lost direction. She not only jammed herself but halted the entire traffic. She was horrified to find herself in such a clumsy state.  With the help of the townsfolk Beamy and Twinky returned to their respective areas – Beamy to the roads and Twinky to the rails. They both lost no time in meeting at the railway crossing to praise each other for their unique abilities in providing transportation services. Moral: “Uniqueness is the biggest virtue.”


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