Cairn Love

Amisha Shah posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-31 on 2021-06-18

‘What a beautiful piece of work is that! Who made it?’ asked Jyoti on seeing the heap of rocks piled upon one another.  *** He kept the first pebble. He was taught the base had to be strongest. As the first one was laid successfully, he tried the next. It shook for a while but was firm in few moments. He was overjoyed. He continued arranging the structure.  Finally, it was done! It was his first ever Cairn. The beautiful sculpture in front of him elated his heart with pride and face with a grin. He just couldn’t contemplate the sheer beauty of the structure.  Once the first was accomplished, there was no looking back. He kept on researching, experimenting with different pebbles, rocks and stones. It was an art learnt by many but mastered only by few. The journey from the first cairn to many was a long but a learning experience. There was no looking back after that. One after one, masterpieces kept on evolving from his hands. Cairns were an uncommon occurrence in an area where he lived. It was not like collecting stamps or reading books. Rama worked on his passion relentlessly. Neither the strong winds nor the harsh rains could destroy his assemblage. The seasons changed, people moved, Rama too outgrew his pants. Yet, the love for Cairns remain the same. Soon he became the only guru to teach the art.  The art traversed valleys,  mountains and he was called to enchant people with beauty of his art. Gardens beautified, forest lanes marked for wanderers to return to their tents. The art was flowing beyond boundaries.  On one such occasion, he was called on the banks of a Indus, to enchant people with his majestic art. He was busy making and laying stones one upon the other. In one instant, a crucial stone slipped from his clammy hands. To save the drowning pivotal joint, he emerged himself in the ferocious waves. The clamour of people shouting for his return never reached him. Gone was the master taking along a part of his beauty.  Grief engulfed the entire halmet. Not only his family but every connoisseur of art shed river of tears.  Thus, to remember their favourite artist, the memorial was erected. Today,it attracted tourist from every corner of the world. It is the pride of the people of hamlet.   *** ‘So that’s the perfect name for it, Rama’s Cairn,’ said a happy but teary eyed Jyoti.    Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!